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Psoriasis (Daus Sadaf)

Psoriasis is a common, genetically determined chronic disease of the skin characterized by the presence of sharply demarcated, dull red scaly plaques particularly an extensor prominences and in the scalp. Psoriasis is said to be caused by abnormal humour, black bile, which is excreted towards the skin and forms crests, which in turn hinder the nourishment of skin. Daus Sadaf which is also termed as Taqashshur-e-Jild in Unani Medicine is a common chronic disfiguring inflammatory disease of the skin characterized in most cases by well-defined scaly, red and indurated plaques mainly over extensor surfaces but also aften involving other areas of the body.

Its course is usually relapsing and remitting with variation in severity and clinical manifestations even within the same individual. The prognosis of psoriasis is worse because the disease increases with the anxiety of patients, which hinders the healing process.Genetic inheritance of psoriasis is confirmed and recorded. Psoriasis, in Unani Medicine, is known as Daus Sadaf in which skin becomes rough, thick and scaly.

According to Unani Medicine the cause of this disease is abnormal Khilth-e-Sauda. (black bile) or Safra-e-Ghair Tabayee (burnt bile) in which there is qualitative as well as quantitative changes leading to psoriasis.

The body excretes the abnormal Khilths ( Humour ) in the form of viscid fluid which moves towards the skin and forms crests that cause malnourishment of the skin. Toxins accumulate in the skin and decaying of skin appears in the form of scales. According to modern medicine psoriasis is a multifactorial disease triggered by environmental antigens in genetically susceptible individual. Psoriasis is prevalent globally with varying prevalence rate:- In India an estimated 0.8 percent population is suffering form psoriasis.
Prevalence is similar in both sexes. It develops before the age of 40 years in more than half of the cases. It affects more people in spring and winter. In modern medicine psoriasis is classified in to different types namely, nummular psoriasis, flexular psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, rupoid psoriasis, elephantine psoriasis, circinate and annular psoriasis, pustular forms of psoriasis, erythromermic or exfoliative psoriasis. As it a stubburn disease and has frequent relapses, treatment for psoriasis is not satisfactory in modern medicines.

Therapeutic response achieved in different types of psoriasis is as follows.

Various lotions, creams and ointments used to control mild to moderate cases of psoriasis. The disadvantage of the topical therapy is that it usually produces improvement of psoriasis but it does not clear the conditions, and relapses are also frequent. The Unani treatment which advocates the use of blood purifier orally and local application of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal drugs has edge over the other drugs as these are free from any side effects even on prolonged use.

Unani Treatment For Psoriasis :

# Nazuj (Concoction)

# Tanqiya (Expulsion)

# Of abnormal humors (Akhlat E Gair Tabiya) especially sauda (Melancholic Humor) by aftimoon wilaiti (Cuscuta Reflexa)

# Tukhme Babchi, bisfaij fustaqi, gariqoon.

For Tehleel E awaraam

# Makoh, Baranjasif, kasni

Tasfiya E Dam

#Blood Purification :- By Shahetra, unnab, chiraita, Sarphuka, Usba, Gul E Mundi.

Taskeen E Jild :- Demulcification:-

# Behidana, Unnab, Sapistaan, Kaahu, SSamg Arabi.

Tarteeb Umoomi wa Muqami General And Local Moisturization

# By Arq E Gulab, Rogan E Badam, Rogan E Zaitoon.

Local Application

# Jaali:- Neem, Haldi, Kamela, Sufeda Kashgari, Kafur.

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